Kosa (body) |
Stage of Samadhi |
Action |
Guna Level |
I. Manas |
A. Savitarka |
Examination |
Particular (visesa) |
B. Nirvitarka |
Asamprajnata |
II. Vijnana (Buddhi) |
A. Savicara |
Discrimination |
Universal (Avisesa) |
B. Nirvicara |
Asamprajnata |
III. Ananda |
Sananda |
Joyful peace or inner perception |
Differentiated (Linga) |
Asamprajnata |
IV. Atma |
Sasmita |
Elemental ego sense |
Undifferentiated (Alinga) |
Mahabhutas |
Indriyas |
Tanmatras |
Akasa (ether) |
Srotra (ear) |
Sabda (sound) |
Vayu (air) |
Tvak (skin) |
Sparsa (touch) |
Tejas (fire) |
Chakshus (eye) |
Rupa (sight) |
Apas (water) |
Jihva (tongue) |
Rasa (taste) |
Prithivi (earth) |
Chrana (nose) |
Gandha (smell) |
Level of Manifestation |
Bhutas |
Indriyas |
Functional |
Idea in Divine Mind of its purpose |
Idea in Divine Mind of its function to be fulfilled |
All-pervading |
Particular combination of gunas |
A mode of motion, specific combination of gunas |
Subtle |
Particular form or electronic configuration |
Sensation is joined with I- ness and individualized |
Constant |
Real form of the element with definite set of qualities |
Tanmatra, real nature of the sense, particular type of sensation |
Gross |
Gross state of the element expressed in form, e.g., solid, liquid, gaseous |
Specific power of cognition in each particular sense organ |